Local Recycling Rules in the Area – What Can and Cannot Be Recycled in Hollywood?

by | Jul 12, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Hollywood, California, has one of the strictest local recycling rules in the US but its also well organized. The LASAN provides solid resources collection services to over 750,000 households, made up of 530,000 single-family and around 220,000 multi-family homes, including duplex to four-unit buildings. The city uses a ‘four-bin’ collection system, which means that the blue bins hold all the recyclable materials, the green bins are mainly yard waste, the black bins for residual waste and brown bins mainly meant for disposing of horse manure. The city also offers bulky item collection, and using the calculation methodology adopted by the State government; the city has been able to achieve a landfill diversion rate of an impressive 76%. According to the Zero Waste Progress Report from 2013, by the UCLA’s Municipal Solid Waste Management Extension, Los Angeles has been able to achieve a recycling rate of 76.4%, which is the highest of the 10 largest cities in the US.

What Goes in the Bin?

Each home in the city is allotted a standard container (for a single-family home). Homes receive a single 60-gallon black container for refuse, a 90-gallon green container for mainly yard trimmings a 90-gallon blue container or recyclables.

Multi-family homes are allowed one 60-gallon black container mainly for refuse and a 90-gallon blue container. Brown bins have to be requested and are mainly for horse manure. Placing materials in the correct bins helps to prevent contamination when the non-recyclable materials are discarded.

Non-recyclable items like treated wood, food residue, fabric, fats, grease oil etc., need to be disposed of in the Black bin. Hazardous e-waste needs to be taken to the S.A.F.E Center.

What Can’t Be Recycled in Hollywood

What Can’t Be Recycled in Hollywood?

Generally, as mentioned above, what can’t be recycled is put into the Black bin. Below is a general list of what can’t be recycled:

  • Oil soaked paper plates and other types of oil-soaked items like boxes
  • Used tissue, diapers, paper towels
  • Ceramics, mirrors and light bulbs
  • Styrofoam
  • Film plastics like shrink wrap, plastic bags and bubble wrap
  • Carrier stock which is the paper packaging used to pack drink cans
  • Electronic waste
  • Debris, concrete and drywall

Disposing of Metal House Appliances

In Hollywood, LASAN can be called to scheduled a pick up of large and heavy household appliances from residences. There is no charge associated with the service.

Some of the items that LASAN will pickup include:

  • Dishwashers
  • Washers
  • Heaters
  • Refrigerators
  • Water heaters
  • Dryers
  • Air conditioners


Hollywood’s recycling measures are no different from what has been mandated by the state of California. While strict, the local recycling program hasn’t yet implemented some of the strict penalties enforced in some other cities. However, the city has been doing pretty well without it so far. If you are new to Hollywood or are unsure if something you’re discarding in the Blue or Green bin is right, LASN is just one call away during business hours.